Dream Archive: Live Collection
Presented by Andrea Božić and Julia Willms | TILT in collaboration with the Premonitions Agency
Have you ever wondered about the untapped potential of your dreams?
Welcome to the Dream Archive: Live Collection – public dream collecting sessions. This initiative aims to collect citizens' dreams and analyze them to predict possible future scenarios and affect outside events. TILT is excited to collaborate with the Premonitions Agency as part of the development of the LUNARIS world. All audiences are welcome to the public sessions. Watch a dream unfold in front of your eyes!
Dream Archive: Live Collection is a performative session in the form of a participatory dream-collecting, mapping, analysis and interrogation session. Several Agents facilitate the session to collect the volunteers' dreams through a specially designed set of questions and instructions, not only telling but also embodying the dream in the space, visualising it, navigating through the dream and interrogating the dreamer to separate the dream image from the dreamers subjectivity.
The sessions are part of the performative cinematic multiverse titled LUNARIS, a fictional shared world - embedded in the ‘real’ world – developed by Andrea Božić and Julia Willms | TILT in collaboration with the Premonitions Agency in the coming years. LUNARIS will hosts constellation of interlinked works: performances, audio-visual installations and related smaller works across performance and visual art.
Dream Archive: Live Collection aspires to both problematise the trends of collecting user data under disguise of personal development, while at the same time also offering an intriguing and in-depth way of embodying, re-visiting and engaging with one’s dream reality playfully.
Would you like to donate your dream to the Dream Archive?
Your dreams are a treasure trove of untapped creativity, and we are here to uncover their mysteries.
This is how it works:
1. The session is open to all. We initiate the session by collecting the written dreams to add to the archive. If you do not have a dream to donate, you are still welcome to join the session.
2. One Dreamer is selected from the previous sessions whose dream is treated in-depth in the session. The Dreamer is guided through a set of specially designed questions and instructions to recall, embody and describe their dream in as much detail as possible.
3. You can sign up to be the Dreamer in one of the future sessions.
4. Each dream collection session is meticulously recorded and visual material is made preserving the essence of the dreamers’ nocturnal adventures. The collected material is stored securely within the Premonitions Agency's Dream Archive. Our team of experts will analyze your dreams to identify patterns, recurring themes, and outside events.
Dream Archive: Live Collection seeks to explore the potential of dreams in affecting real-life events. Your participation is crucial to our research and we assure you that your data will be handled with the utmost care and confidentiality. The dreams will contribute to the further development of the LUNARIS world – performances, installations and other artwork.Thank you for being part of this groundbreaking experiment.
Credits: Concept, audio-visual design, direction Andrea Božić and Julia Willms
Concept and performance development in collaboration with: Billy Mullaney
Agents: Andrea Božić, Billy Mullaney and Julia Willms
Light and technique: Niels Runderkamp
Internship: Olesya Lakshtanova
Publicity: Hans Klijn
Image design: Julia Willms
Photo's: Andrea Božić, Sofie Knijff, Julia Willms
Photo's of the Dreamers: Peteris Viksna, Jetmir Idrizi, Eva LOU
Thanks to: Barbara Miše, Mariana Silva, Christianna Tsigkou
Public performances:
Frascati, 18-20 February 2025, 20.00 hrs
Dreamers - Frascati:
Tuesday February 18
Dreamer: Jana Jacuka
Dream date: Recurring, several times during 2021- 2023
Dream title: The coming back home dream
Place of dreaming: Riga, Latvia
‘I go into my bedroom and realise there’s another door in it. I open it and suddenly there’s many more rooms.’
Wednesday February 19
Dreamer: Fred Raposo
Dream date: Night of 25 to 26 August 2024
Dream title: First dream in the Netherlands
Place of dreaming: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
‘Her parents introduce me to all the guests with so much pride and honor that I start wondering: Am I just a guest?’
Friday February 20
Dreamer: Eva LOU
Dream date: 17 October 2024
Dream title: The full moon siege
Place of dreaming: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
‘Suddenly, several tall white men step into my room through the window, even though my room is on the second floor.’