Since 2024 and over the coming years, Andrea Božić and Julia Willms are developing a performative-cinematic multiverse under the title LUNARIS, a fictional shared world embedded in the real world which will host a constellation of artistic works as a transmedia labyrinth: several performances and audio-visual performative installations and related smaller works.

For LUNARIS, we collaborate with the Premonitions Agency, a specu-fictional government agency whose task is to collect, analyse and interpret citizens’ dreams, and to intervene into those dreams in an attempt to affect possible futures.

With LUNARIS, we explore how spectatorship, imagination and spectacle are intertwined, embodied and felt amidst the next wave of digitalization and globalization, and the questions of free will, agency and sentience within it.

We work with overlapping dream logic and gameplay strategies, scientific principles (cosmology, quantum physics) and mysticism, exploring how – when these other logics are transposed and projected onto the everyday - this can allow for other perceptions and imaginaries to emerge.

The fictional world of LUNARIS is embedded into the real world: physically, virtually and imaginary. Our work is site-responsive in the sense that we incorporate the apparatus of the location (theatre, art space, location, etc.) into the LUNARIS-multiverse. In doing so, we seek to establish a playful relationship with our audience and partners, blur the boundaries of what all belongs to the work and invite an investigative, active, and playful engagement and communal imagining.

Each work is an independent project and together they belong to the same LUNARIS multiverse. The audience can see one project independently or follow several as a constellation. Smaller related works such as a drawings and digital collages, a performative lecture on the worlds metaphysics, performances in collaboration with the night sky, a green room that turns the world pink, an online archive are also part of the constellation.

LUNARIS hosts a constellation of works by Andrea Božić and Julia Willms, as well as related works by associate artist Billy Mullaney.

LUNARIS works include the performance Within Cells Interlinked, a performative dream collecting session Dream Archive: Live Collection, The Premonitions Agency - Dream Log


Spectra – Space Is an Organism

Since 2015, under the umbrella name Spectra - Space Is an Organism, Andrea Božić and Julia Willms have explored the relationship between attention and an embodied experience of space: how the (re)organisation of attention and space affects one’s sense of ‘reality’ and the modes of spectatorship emerging from it. How – when the logics of attention and space are altered – might a new ‘imaginal’ space appear in their overlap?

We create installations and performance environments that (re)organise the logic of how the space functions, provoking an investigative gaze through an embodied experience of artificially constructed but real spaces. Our works overlap the spatiotemporal logic of dreams, the interactivity of game-play and the deep-time scales of cosmology and quantum physics with the space here and now. Incorporating the apparatus and the architecture of the site with visitors’ own presence as part of the work, we create a porous border between the work, the stage and the world. Our artworks operate as interfaces with the world – to consider the co-constructedness of art and world as imaginal spaces, where re-configured attention can be practiced and taken into the world.

We work in site-responsive audio-visual installations, performances, digital collages, drawings, game-play scores and collaborations with the weather and night sky.